UPDATE: Exclusive Video Coverage of Flooding in Cavalier, North Dakota

CAVALIER, ND (trfnews.i234.me) We have an update regarding volutary evacuations for a flood threat in Cavalier, North Dakota.
leo carlson here in cavalier north dakota on the uh northwest corner of town see the tongue river back here uh the good news at this hour just before 6 p.m i’m told by their public information officer becky flanders here in cavalier that the river has leveled off now earlier this afternoon they called for the voluntary evacuation of folks in a small area northwest corner of town here this is bjornson drive uh where some folks did a voluntary evacuation here earlier today again as i said the good news is at this point i’m told it appears the tongue river has leveled off for right now here’s one of those people who just evacuated her father from this area yes my dad lives in a town home on berenson drive and just as a precaution got him out um we’re hoping nothing comes of it and their places should be fine it’s just they anticipate that if something happens the roadway on parents drive will be underwater now at this point uh streets in the voluntary evacuation area have stayed dry but with the tongue river lapping at many backyards city officials just wanted to be safe but at this point we’re doing a lot of things that are precautionary uh and we don’t want uh there to be any kind of um rush right we don’t want panic what we want is an informed community and now on this sunday evening a community that has so far dodged the bullet again as the tongue river has leveled off here and uh sandbagging operations like this one around a assisted living facility have been halted for the evening as officials are hoping the tongue river here continues to stay level and then falls but again that evacuation voluntary evacuation order remains in effect for this evening until officials can take another look at things on monday morning in cavalier north dakota i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. Great little town. Used to ride my bicycle from Altona Manitoba through Cavalier , stop at the DQ, then go to Icelandic state park, up through Walhalla , then Neche, then back to Altona MB to work at the canola oil plant . Pembina, Backoo, Langdon, all great ND towns . Was 65 mile ride all through the 1980s. Loved those days. But damm that wind when your on a bike. It never ends , lol . Hope you will all be ok. From Winnipeg now, where all the water is heading. Thank God we have the floodway.

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