UPDATE: Exclusive Interview with Woman who Survived Vicious Dog Attack – Viewer Discretion Advised: Graphic Photos of Injuries Included

BELCOURT, ND (trfnews.i234.me) We have an update to a story we brought you last month, regarding a woman, who was found lying by the road near Belcourt, North Dakota. Rosemary Guiterrez says she was attacked by a pack of dogs. She tells the story of what happened.
we now have an interview with rosemary guterres who’s currently recovering at a nursing home in minot back in march 17th we told you about how she was found lying along the road in shell valley a housing development just west of belcourt north dakota at the time friends and family were worried she may have been assaulted and thrown from a vehicle rosemary says she was not attacked by people she was attacked by a pack of dogs a warning this story contains graphic photos of her wounds oh i was just walking down the road in bell court and i walked by you know in the housing and shell valley and some dogs attacked me and that’s kind of all i remember i remember i don’t really remember too much you just remember waking up in the hospital uh after a couple days of life support and yeah that’s that’s about it i mean i still i’m still trying to pick up the pieces to my little puzzle i got going here but i don’t know any idea how many dogs there were there was four dogs any idea what kind uh one of them was a pit bull and i think a couple of the other were maybe husky cross husky mixes okay but you don’t really remember much of what happened i just remember them dogs behind me coming up from behind me and um basically i that’s all i remember was them you know bite me and under i think it was the pit bull that threw me from the street to the um what do you call it the ditch there and i mean i kind of remember a little bit here and there like i remember a car pulling up and i remember asking them to uh save me and put me in their car i remember saying that was cold apparently the dogs must have took off my clothes but i mean other than that i don’t remember nothing but the dogs okay so uh your hospital stay i understand you went to minot did you end up with a surgery or two or what happened or what kind of injuries did you have oh i got like probably 30 bite marks on my my legs and my arms my hip my right hip that have to be like packed twice a day by nurses because they’re so deep uh i have a bulge head i apparently had 50 stitches i think my head was torn from my my skull um i had to have my ear reattached i have a hard time walking i shake when i walk nerve damage on my right leg and some i’m now right now i’m in a a nursing home medical facility a rehab and treatment facility or therapy okay all right so how long you expect to to be there before you can get out and get going again um i could probably leave whenever i want it’s just a matter of i don’t think that i would be able to pack my own wounds you know what i mean like it’s i’m not such a person is i’ll do it tomorrow i’ll do it tomorrow but for me tomorrow never comes and they say that dog bites are the worst bites you know all right this is the way that they’re supposed to be cleaned i can die from getting septic from them you know okay have you heard anything from law enforcement about the dog’s owners what’s happened with the dogs or uh i have a lot of friends in belle court you know my um i’ve been in belka for the last 11 years and i know a lot of people and i did hear that the owner put the dogs down so i mean okay i haven’t reached out to the owner because uh i mean i do know whose dogs they are i just choose not to say you know what i mean because i really i don’t know you know what i mean so to speak okay but supposedly the dogs were put down yeah i heard the owner did did uh he had to shoot his own dogs and i did hear that dogs were in um and they had to have uh autopsies so i’m not really sure why but check for rabies and things yeah all right well glad you’re still around to tell the tale i wouldn’t want a dog attack man that’s nasty yeah i mean you know a dog’s only good as good as what they’re trying to do you know and i mean just because it’s a pit bull don’t mean that you know every pit bulls like that or every dog’s like that you know what i mean and i mean i really don’t know why the dog’s attacking me i mean like he could have just been wrong place wrong time you know yeah i’m good i’m i mean i’m as best as best as i can be you know it’s gonna take more than four dogs to take me out and i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. I've been praying for you and I am so happy that you are doing well I pray in Jesus name that your scars will be minimal That you will be free from fear in the future The Lord will Abundantly bless you and take care of you as you move forward

  2. Tough ass woman, that’s insane, so optimistic about everything. And as others have said, good on her for not throwing the owner or the breed under the bus; most people would see dollar signs.

  3. Wow I’m so glad you are recovering! You sound like such a strong woman and I’m wishing you well in the weeks, months, and years to come. πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ‘ŠπŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½βœŒπŸ½

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