UPDATE: DNR Relocates Bear From Roadside Ditch In Northern Minnesota

WANNASKA, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We have an update regarding a bear reported as stuck in the road ditch near Wannaska, Minnesota. The DNR has the bear out and was apparently going to relocate it.
well here’s the latest on that bear situation up by wanaska Minnesota south of Roseau just talked with Nate Johnson uh the bear guy uh DNR officials arrived on the scene this morning and uh there he says they were less than nice to him uh he was told to move out of the scene uh Nate tells me though it looked like the uh DNR people had tranquilized the bear and he was drugged out of the hole up on the road he was told he was going to be taken to rehab and then relocated he also said the DNR told him the bear had a den and a culvert there and wasn’t stuck but was trying to dig deeper now as far as whether the bear was injured no official word on that yet we hope to get a statement from the DNR on that but it appears the bear situation is being resolved again we’ll try to talk with the DNR to get the final word on all this I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me


  1. Rehab and relocated–ya sure. The DNR will put it down and there will be no follow up. Useless! They didnt even acknowledge it until someone else was willing to intervene.

  2. Well all the other male bears including pooh are pissed he was so lazy trying to stay in a culvert for the winter . All the bears up there are pissed and better not show his face up there in the spring.

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