CROOKSTON, MN ( Crookston Police Chief, Darin Selzler has released a statement regarding School Resource Officer Don Rasicot being put on Administrative Leave.
UPDATE: Crookston School Resource Officer Placed on Paid Administrative Leave, Police Chief Releases Statement

I wonder what he allegedly was to have done for this action to take place. By not offering any sort of hint as to what may have occurred, the police chief has just set the rumor mill abuzz.
Wow, paid leave, is this what we teach our kids at Crookston school, do wrong and get rewarded!
He's a coke head with anger issues.
Bro at my school bro
I imagine copulation on school grounds for most people would result in becoming a registered SO, wonder how this will end…
I KNOW OFFICER RASCOT. Why would he do this
Both parties are public employees in positions of authority. Both engaged in the same consensual (as reported) activity at the same workplace. So, why is only one having his name, photo, and job description made public?
I never liked that guy