UPDATE: COVID-19 Forces Erskine Foreign Exchange Student’s Return to Germany, Despite Heartfelt Plea

ERSKINE, MN (trfnews.i234.me) German has cancelled visas and a student exchange program. It means a German foreign exchange student in Erskine, Minnesota will be on her way home this week, despite her impassioned plea on facebook.
we have an update regarding Lilliana a german foreign exchange student who was staying with a host family in Erskine Minnesota earlier this week we put on her plea on Facebook asking to be able to stay here and finish the school year but that’s not going to happen I just talked with one of the host parents who says basically Germany cancelled the foreign exchange program cancelled visas and all those students are going home Liliana is scheduled to go home on Wednesday hers here’s her plea on Facebook earlier this week and I’m currently the Civic Scholarship Program in the United States and I just learnt that I have to leave to go back to my home country next week and that really made me sad because I don’t understand why I have to leave especially because we don’t even have any outbreaks of the Kona violence in the area where I live in the United States right now which makes me feel safer to be here than should be in Germany because the outbreaks in Europe our wavers especially when you look at early and right now I’m Way farther away from Italy then I would be when I’m in Germany so I would appreciate it if you would think of your decision again and think of what you do to us leaving especially because traveling is not safe right now because there are lots more lot more germs and stop and make viruses then we would have missed a year now host for me now school and my school is not shut down right now anything like everything is just going and none of us is sick none of us has any health issues my host mom is even a nurse and she wouldn’t know and she would be able to care about me so I think incision again because made all of us so sad and I can point out enough how safe I feel here and how much safer I feel here then I would feel so pleased Oh what thank you this is Megan thank you very much I’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. As sad and unfair as it is, she should be with her family at this time. What if something were to happen to one of them during this pandemic and she wasn't there? She would be devastated.

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