EVELETH, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Charges have now been filed in connection to an early Labor Day morning shooting incident at the Hells Angels Clubhouse in Eveleth, Minnesota. Adrien Gunderson is facing 2 felony level charges.
UPDATE: Charges Filed in Shooting Incident at Minnesota Hells Angels Clubhouse

Not good
I did not realize they had a clubhouse in Eveleth.
Been a number of years since I been up there. When did they open the clubhouse in Eveleth?
she looks like Rhonda Rousey
Well…sonofagunderson….this is bad.
Just speculating here
…But, Charges-Prosecution-and Incarceration…might just be the least of her worries

I do not claim to know one thing about how things are run w/in this HA chapter (?) clubhouse; However, my guess is that there is Hierarchy and a strict set of laws/rules that govern the those within the hierarchy according to your rank/status/membership, etc…Those members take it very seriously, loyal to a fault, consequences for breaking those laws within (I’m speculating) …
All of that said, If this individual (allegedly shot the clubhouse) understood, was aware of how things work within; I’m guessing she would understand that her (alleged) actions could possibly anger those members…
Idk, maybe I’ve watched too many Biker movies…and it’s not the case; Regardless, whatever her motive(s) -she definitely made her point…