UPDATE: Awaiting Further Details on Unidentified Death and Ongoing Farmstead Search

MAYVILLE, ND (trfnews.i234.me) We’re still waiting for details regarding the positive ID of a man who shot and killed himself and the reason for a search of a farmstead south of Mayville, North Dakota Wednesday night.
no official update from authorities yet on the identity of a 59 year old man who shot himself following a standoff with the law enforcement here five miles south of Mayville on Wednesday evening the person is well known in the community and I’m told by folks around the area that again on this Thursday morning there was a large law enforcement presence who appeared to be searching buildings on The Farmstead authorities said yesterday the North Dakota Bureau of Criminal investigations was serving a search warrant when this standoff started and no details yet on exactly what that search warrant entails on what they were actually searching for and on this Thursday afternoon it has not been filed with the court yet I will get more information on what that was all about once it’s 5 child but yet waiting on the official ID of the person who died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound and more details on what authorities are searching for at this Farmstead I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me

1 comment

  1. Steve Volla. He got a whole article in the newspaper. They maybe should have waited to see the warrant. I'd guess, the average person who did nothing wrong and was an upstanding citizen, wouldn't kill themselves when the authorities show up.

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