UPDATE: Authorities Continue Hunt for Murder Suspect, Eric Reinbold

RED LAKE COUNTY, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Red Lake County Sheriff, Mitch Bernstein talks about the ongoing search for murder suspect Eric Reinbold.
we have an update on the latest regarding the uh search for eric reinbold he’s a suspect in the murder of his wife uh leset on july 9th at his home up in pennington county here shown on the map uh the reinbold residence is the murder scene and there have been several uh searches at uh and around his parents residence uh just northeast of uh oakley minnesota considered reinbold’s hometown sheriff mitch bernstein in charge of things down here in red lake county the murder scene is up in uh pennington county the who where uh sheriff ray kuznez in charge of that uh murder investigation and search for reinbold and uh now joined by the u.s marshals a bit of background here uh reinbold got out of prison earlier this year after being convicted of uh possession of pipe bombs part of the evidence in that case is what was that he wanted to start a second revolution in america but he has remained uh on the run now for over two weeks uh here’s our interview with the sheriff regarding a wide number of topics uh one of the first things is kind of the consensus you believe he’s alive yet we still do yeah i mean you know we’re pursuing it as uh you know we have uh unless something tells us to the contrary i mean we’re we’re investigating it like he’s still around the area um that he’s still alive and uh until we find out something different we’re going to keep dealing with it that way i get lots of messages and i just spoke recently with someone who’s pretty close to this and they are saying well he’s been spotted on trail cameras that’s why he keeps searching around his parents place can you talk at all about that well i’m not i’m not going to speak specifically about if he’s been seen on cameras or not but i mean we have good enough evidence to um get a lot of people out there searching so i mean we we believe he’s there uh or he’s been there and like i said before until we hear something different we know we’re going to keep treating it that way so yeah and as far as a vehicle nothing ever found that he may have had a vehicle stashed or no we’ve never found any evidence about any vehicle or anything like that that he may have access to or anything we haven’t had any vehicles reported stolen in our county in the last two weeks uh um so everything we’re you know we know right now it appears that he’s still out on foot okay um what was i thinking oh uh he got out of prison earlier this year for the possession uh non-registration of a pipe bomb and i read through some of the documents at that time and part of it was well he’s gonna start a second revolution in america so on and so forth but did he have any conspiracy friends around the area um not that we were aware of um nothing really indicated that that he had any you know i mean he has some people he got along with that are still in the area that sort of thing but you know at this point in time you know i mean we we’ve spoken with a lot of uh you know friends relatives all that stuff uh doesn’t appear that anybody’s conspiring with them at this point in time i mean if something like that comes light if we have evidence to to show us that way we’ll we’ll we’ll work on that but right now it appears he’s off on his own so all right so any more tips coming in are things kind of really slowing down ah it slowed down a little bit but i mean you know we’re just still asking people that you know assume that he’s around until we we know otherwise uh be vigilant uh keep an eye on your your out buildings things like that if you have uh hunting cabins or anything like that in the area just be aware uh report any changes if it seems like someone’s maybe been rifling through your stuff give us a call you know we’re still the safety of the people in red lake county is still our number one priority and and right now that’s uh not at the level we want it to be so um i don’t know anything else i should be talking about that i’m not i don’t know um not really just just call us you know i mean and if people have game cams around their property that are laying around put them up you know if you live out northeast oakley put them up and if if you do get a picture of where you think it might be him or something don’t be afraid to call us and you know see anything strange i mean we’ll definitely check everything out so we need every bit of information we can get so i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. If he's on foot and hasn't been going thru anyone stuff he's a hell of a survivor to be alive this long with no food and water the heat and drought sure wouldn't help it! Someone is definitely helping him in my mind!

  2. A person needs food & water. if he is on foot, he is getting supplied either with help or is stealing those items. This can be determined if anyone really wants to know.

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