Unrest and Violence in Minneapolis on Tuesday Evening

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Rioting broke out Tuesday night in protest to the death of a man who was under arrest by Minneapolis Police.
breaking news out of minneapolis on this tuesday night riots are going on uh this is twitter video from frank calhoun uh protesters uh protesting the death of george floyd today uh while he died while in the custody of minneapolis police officer you see rioters here throwing rocks into uh police squad car windows again uh you’ll see the other video coming up here of the police shooting tear gas um a rainstorm was moving in it looked like it was maybe going to clear out some people but riots in minneapolis tonight


  1. There were many, many more people who marched to the police station demanding justice. It was a peaceable assembly of the People. No one appeared to meet them and they left. Some instigators started destroying public property (several police cars) and right after a brave young lady told them, "This is wrong" , police dispersed the vandals with smoke or tear gas.

    The four terminated officers need to be arrested and tried for murder. There is 10 minutes of video showing Mr. Floyd. He had a knee on his neck for about three minutes, after which he appeared to pass out. It was an additional three minutes of the knee still on his neck. It is possivle the video shows his death.

    God will bring all these matters to light. We must all turn to him and trust the mercy he purchased through his Son Jesys Christ. God bless all as the truth is revealed.

  2. As a white male, juvenile prison taught me a lot about the black community and their struggles. I don’t know what it’s like, but I UNDERSTAND. Politicians don’t care to stop the violence, it’s time y’all take up arms and stand up for the truth and black lives.

  3. Since police seem to only communicate through violence, it seems fitting that now is the time to use violence to get our point across. This country is long overdue for a revolution.

  4. This is WHY the 2nd Amendment is SO vital in an uprising & why it's attacked so hard from these fuckers in congress. I for one have never fired a gun before, but I drive pretty well. So I'd be more than happy to mow a long stretch of pigs over in a line formation when they come at folks in them meeting 2 tons of machinery instead. 😉

  5. I like how people in the military still think they are fighting to keep us safe and free. HELLO THE REAL THREAT TO THE PEOPLE ARE THESE GANG MEMBERS WITH BADGES!! grow a pair you vets or stfu.

  6. Black people need to start using that 2nd amendment right against their government that the republicans say they love so much. TAKE BACK YOUR FREEDOM!

  7. This is gunna be worse than the Rodney King riots and rightfully so. These cops should be in jail. There murderers. To the folks in Minneapolis be safe and have each other's six. We are with you all from Idaho.

  8. Peaceful protests are not getting thru to these pigs so they gotta step it up a notch . what happen to cops back in the day. They were professional. No such thing as that anymore . stop hiring these racist pigs enough is enough !!

  9. You thought the cops were bad ,now because of the way the crowd is acting the national guard will step in.The cops were arrested so no need to destroy your stores,cars and neighborhoods.You thought quarantine was bad wait till you have armed soldiers walking down your street making you obey the laws and due process.

  10. If you want to protest then protest peacefully these maggots that are burning, destroying, and looting running out of buildings laughing need to be locked up! Get the National Guard out to clean up this trash!!!

  11. Look The Other Way – is a new anti-riot task force. We encourage police to look the other way while we deal with antifa / blm and any other violent radical mob that threatens law and order in the United States. We are also lobbying Congress to temporarily change the mission of Law Enforcement – police will not pull crowd control duty for the next 90 days with an option for another 90 days if necessary. Riots will be put down by company size civilian units, organically organized. Police officers can deal with other crime – we’ll handle crowd control for a while … seein as how all this defunding is goin on … cops are a bit short-handed, and we’d like to help out.

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