Unintentional Gunshot Injury Reported in Polk County, MN

POLK COUNTY, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We have a report of an accidental gunshot wound in Polk County, Minnesota on this Saturday morning.
some breaking news out of polk county minnesota we have a report of a hunter accidentally shot uh this would be uh seven miles east of east grand forks and a little bit south of highway two uh here’s the radio call at 10 21 a.m on this saturday fisher fire department medical call hunter that was shot in the arm below the elbow near mile marker 11 highway 2. again a report of a hunter accidentally shot in the arm uh it appears polk county deputies and state patrol on the scene along with maybe two ambulances it didn’t look like they were in any hurry to leave the scene so hopefully not too serious we should have more information later today check back for that i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. “Yeah this is fine. Nothing could ever go wrong when parts of my body are on the receiving end of my rifle while a round is chambered and the safety is off. Sure hope I don’t pull the trigger”

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