Florida (trfnews.i234.me) — A wild UFO sighting took place off the coast of Florida on Saturday night, according to radio traffic picked up by a scanner hobbyist. The transmission reportedly indicated that a military aircraft was tracking a UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon) and was ordered to stay away from the object.
Things escalated quickly when the pilot reported electrical interference, loss of navigation systems, and the appearance of St. Elmo’s Fire—a phenomenon caused by intense static electricity surrounding the aircraft. The situation grew even more alarming as a helicopter gunship was dispatched to the scene to intercept the mysterious object.
The radio transmission further mentioned that pilots experienced extreme icing due to an unusual electrical disturbance in the airspace, allegedly linked to the orb-like UFO they were tracking.
This highly unusual military encounter has left many wondering what exactly was flying off the Florida coast. More details to come as additional reports surface.
I’m Chris Harper reporting for TRF News