Two Ukrainian Immigrants Embark on Fresh Starts and Employment in Bemidji, Minnesota

BEMIDJI, MN ( Two immigrants from the Ukraine are beginning the new year with new jobs and new lives in America at Bemidji Woolen Mills.
as the ukraine teeters on the brink of war with russia two immigrants from that country begin a new year in new lives in bemidji minnesota sergei and alexander immigrated in december and are now working at bemidji woolen mills owner bill batchelder is showing them the ropes of their new jobs after seven years of red tape and paperwork to gain entry to the u.s the two men’s mother natasha has been working here for 20 years the men’s father who passed away was a pilot for the ukrainian air force he started flying in 16 years and then go to military mothmic 17 then go to civil aviation yeah in the ukraine yeah in ukraine ukraine two proud men from the ukraine stepping up to fill jobs while they work to get other family members entry as they begin their new american lives in bemidji minnesota i’m neil carlson reporting for inews dot tv


  1. So so sad !!!! Hurts to hear it’s taken then so long to make it happen , do things the right way and get the shaft , do it the wrong way and Brandon gives ur everything to mooch of this county’s milk and honey. God bless this family , hope they thrive and wish the best for them.

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