Tuesday Agricultural Market Update

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Your Tuesday ag market report from RML Trading in Grand Forks.
morning Bob Lee botkin hear from Armel trading with the markets for August 15th grain mark is trading lower across the board we did have a little recovery yesterday we did close mix the Lord but we did come off the Lola’s however in the overnight we are backpedaling here again a little bit down four and a quarter and corn soybeans down five to six Chicago wheat down five Kansas down three Minneapolis down six crop conditions came out winter wheat harvest is 97% done that’s about at the average spring wheat harvest 40% it’s ahead of the average just a little bit 33% good excellent versus 32 last week and 66 percent a year ago so the crop stayed about the same or actually improved this a little bit us corn conditions 62 percent good to excellent versus 60 last week and 74 percent a year ago soybeans were 59 percent good to excellent versus 60 percent last week and 72 percent a year ago and 79 percent of the soybean crop is setting pods versus 75 percent average once again it’s back to the weather it looks like there’s going to be some rain around in the Midwest and most of the weather models look to be about the same so that’ll be the great market news here this morning probably some weather issues and if it rains or doesn’t so lower to start the morning excuse me so now let’s go on to the other markets here we got cocoa down 24 sugar down six coffee down 145 but the cotton down 25 US dollar is trading up 37 stock markets up six and the SP Dow Jones up fifty-seven bonds down 20 Gold is down 10 bucks silver down 28 cents we have the crude down 27 natural gas down 140 the heating oil down 114 with the our Bob gas down a half penny gifts call internal training some some five when 0:08

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