1. Native Americans are the most unreported population of ppl that go missing every year. Their numbers far exceed any other ppls that disappear in this country. An example, for every white person missing, there are 18 Native Americans. For every black person that goes missing there are 17 Native Americans that go missing. For every Mexican that goes missing there are 15 Native Americans. Now combine them all and you get the staggering numbers that have and continue to disappear in this country every year. This is not counting Canada's missing Natives and Mexico's missing ppl. Though sadly in Mexico many are taken by the 5-family drug cartel and forced into working for them before they are murdered and left on the other side of the boarder in cases. The orphanages in Mexico are all but kidnapped by numbers. These same cartel families also ransom the pre adult men and women and still execute them in most cases once the money is obtained.

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