Train Derailment, Fire & Evacuation In Raymond, Minnesota
RAYMOND, MN ( The small community of Raymond, Minnesota was being evacuated as a precaution early Thursday morning, following a train derailment.
Train Derailment Sparks Fire and Evacuations in Raymond, Minnesota

Wonder if that trillion dollar infrastructure bill that was passed to counter inflation has some money to repair railways?
Trump's train deregulation and the railroad corporate greed strikes again!
Never knew till recently, we have like 5 train derailments a day??
Nothing to see here, folks! Keep it movin!
Another common occurrence.
That's old biden trying to kill the population of!!!
How come we never had these problems when President Trump was in the white house?
No wonder the shelves are empty at local stores across America! They got us!
Idk I'm not buying all these train derailment Railroad workers are pretty thorough. I think this is a sabotage against america's infrastructure
I live in Raymond!! Joe biren attacks again