Tragic Duluth Fire Claims Multiple Pets and One Person

DULUTH, MN ( One person and numerous pets died in a Saturday morning fire in Duluth, Minnesota. Firefighters rescued several people.
as Kelly said my name is Mike konzi I’m Deputy Chief of the Operations Division and today I just want to kind of get some information out to the press this morning at approximately six o’clock this morning our department was dispatched to a structure fire at 6 30 631 East 3rd Street Crews arrived on scene in approximately three minutes from the time of dispatch they reported seeing smoke on arrival smoking actifier and the fire was quickly advancing in the balloon frame construction of the building our crews established water took offensive tactics so that they could make rescue we had Crews trying to suppress the fire while we had Crews working on rescuing we were able to rescue a number of tenants and some self-rescued on their own we had one victim transported to the hospital and we had one resident that was deceased on scene our crews worked tirelessly to make sure that everybody was taken care of and accounted for we’re still compiling all that data so I don’t have all the specific numbers for you we’ll get back to you as soon as we can upon request we also had several cats that were rescued or deceased in this fire as well again we don’t have specific numbers on you or on those animals for you at this time down the road we can definitely get that this is a tragic event for our community our hearts at the DFT go out to those members those families that lost members in this fire and those that are injured we also had two firefighters who sustained injuries fighting this fire they were actually attempting a rescue they sustained Burns they were transported to urgent care where they received treatment and they were released later in the day today um at this time I will turn it over to deputy chief John Otis to talk about investigation yeah good afternoon I’m John Otis I’m the deputy chief of life safety for the Duluth fire department um unfortunately I I don’t have a whole lot of information on the investigation side of things at this point we are actively investigating along with the assistance of the State Fire Marshals division so we do have a State Fire Marshal investigator here assisting with us um due to the fact that there was a fatality in this fire um


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