Today in History: March 17, 1953 – Proposed Lincoln Drive flood control levee – Obituary

History lives in the pages of the Obituary, and now, we’re bringing it back to life with Today in History. Each day, we will revisit notable news items from our archives, offering a glimpse into the events, people, and moments that shaped our community, the region, and the state of North Dakota and Minnesota.

From major milestones to forgotten curiosities, this feature will highlight the stories that once made headlines — just as they appeared in the Herald on this day in years past.

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Dike Gets Council’s Approval

A go-ahead signal was given by the Grand Forks city council Monday night (March 16, 1953) in the matter of the proposed Lincoln Drive flood control levee.

The council, in passing a resolution of assurance following a public hearing, authorized the Corps of Army Engineers to proceed with arrangements preliminary to construction. It voiced its intention of co-operating in the project by nine affirmative votes. Three aldermen passed, while the 14th member was absent.

Action on the matter was postponed two weeks ago to enable the attorney for protesting property owners to appear on their behalf. At the Monday session, a letter from George Longmire, representing a number of protesters, was read. It stated that some property owners previously against the project had withdrawn their petition of protest because additional information and facts had been obtained to alter their decision on the project.

The resolution of assurance, which the council adopted after passing a motion declaring the number of protests insufficient, provides that the city will:

  1. Provide right-of-way and earth fill for the dike.
  2. Not hold the Federal government liable for damages that may occur during or after construction.
  3. Make necessary changes in the relocation of streets, sidewalks, and utilities.
  4. Maintain the dike after its completion.
  5. Give assurance of its co-operation in the project.

It was brought out by the city attorney that if the government failed to appropriate its share of the monies for construction, the city would have the right to withdraw its resolution of assurance and not take part in the project. The city, it was pointed out, also would not exercise its options on right-of-way land before the Federal funds were appropriated.

The project now will proceed like any special improvement work, with the Army Engineers to advertise for bids (no date has been set) and the city to appraise right-of-way land. Assessments will be established by the special assessment. (




Obituary archive image.


Tweet Food Stores ad from March 17, 1953. Obituary archive image.

Northwest airlines ad.png

Northwest Airlines advertisement as published in the March 17, 1953 edition. Obituary archive image.

Our newsroom occasionally reports stories under a byline of “staff.” Often, the “staff” byline is used when rewriting basic news briefs that originate from official sources, such as a city press release about a road closure, and which require little or no reporting. At times, this byline is used when a news story includes numerous authors or when the story is formed by aggregating previously reported news from various sources. If outside sources are used, it is noted within the story.

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