Thursday Update: Wildfire Situation in Lake Of The Woods County

LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTY, MN ( Here’s your Thursday update regarding 2 wildfires in Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota. It appears they’re getting closer to getting them extinguished.
here’s your thursday update regarding a couple of wildfires burning in lake of the woods county uh one is the north norris fire which is southwest of roosevelt and the other is a square fire which is near grayston this from the minnesota incident command quote an observation flight completed on wednesday over both fires show that the control lines are holding well within the fires perimeter firefighters continue making great progress with mopping up smoldering stumps and hot spots uh now for today uh planned activity in the north norris fire uh southwest of roosevelt firefighters continue to focus on mop-up efforts and widening the control lines the blackhawk helicopters are assigned to the fire and available for use as weather and fire conditions warrant their support and as far as the uh square fire near grayston uh crews are making great progress establishing a hose uh lay into the square fire the hose line will allow water to be pumped into the north side of the fire where crews are seeing the greatest amount of heat and fire activity the blackhawk helicopters are assigned to the fire and can be utilized throughout the day to support control efforts that was from the minnesota incident command it sounds like they’re trying to it sounds like they’re getting a handle on both fires on this thursday august 19th i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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