1. Fell asleep watching Fox so it rolled to this old info. Maria is fine, and the Judge continues with her hard nose shtick. My guess is that Fox will come down on the "right"side, of the revolution, quickly forming. J6 was a riot that got a "little" out of hand.
    I hope to still be around in 24 to laugh as the country votes, to take a hard, conservative, turn, right, turn!
    Go Vivek! Put all those on the cushy government gravy train, on soup line, with where they're rapidly pushing, "We the People!" instead!
    Hope Trump steps behind Ramaswamy, and remains a valuable, advisor, overseeing, the annihilation of the government gone rouge! Statesman. Lord knows hes earned it

  2. Getting rid of the conservatives is the worst mistake these idiots can make! I wonder if Greg, Tyrus and Kat are next? Fox executives are as dumb as a box of rocks. FOX turning into the View or Breakfast Club 😂😂😂😂

  3. I stopped watching fox when they fired Tucker. Now they're no different that NBC, ABC, and CBS which are Democrat propaganda networks.

  4. I can not find anywhere that women have been fired from fox news, i did read a article from the [Radar] Connor Surmonte predicted they may be fired. Any updates to this ?

  5. Sigh…anyone who feasts on Fox alone, is a man bloated with misinformation. And yes, same goes for others, but DONT ACT LIKE FOX IS COOL CAUSE YOUVE BEEN BINGING ON IT. Fox is and has always been for the banal and less intelligent. Carry on.

  6. Ugh 🤦🏼‍♀️ One of the last people to actually tell the truth and shed real light on the whole “January 6th insurrection” and they are stupidly letting him go. The real insurrection was in TN when a bunch of evil people stormed the state house floor crying that we shouldn’t have armed guards at schools to protect children after the Christian school shooting in Nashville. THAT was a real insurrection, “January 6th” was NOTHING!!! Those kind of people deserve to be in trouble and I’m glad they were. This is just stupid on the part of Fox.

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