There Was an Attempted Abduction in Hillsboro, North Dakota

HILLSBORO, ND ( A man is being held for a mental evaluation, following an Attempted Abduction in Hillsboro, North Dakota Sunday morning.
we had an attempted abduction in hillsborough north dakota on this sunday morning this in from sheriff steve hunt quote at 7 12 a.m on this sunday trail county sheriff’s office received a there was a 911 at the subway restaurant in hillsboro with a gun the restaurant was closed for the day upon investigation it was determined that a middle aged female subway employee was at the restaurant cleaning windows when she saw an older man approach her he pulled the gun out from under a jacket he was carrying grabbed her by the arm and started to walk towards his pickup that was parked on the road next to the restaurant the woman was able to get away from the man and ran to a nearby business where she was able to seek help calling 9-1-1 through investigation deputies from the trail county sheriff’s office were able to identify a suspect the suspect who was already under a doctor’s care was transported to a fargo hospital where he is being evaluated for mental health issues the case will be referred to the trail county state’s attorney on quote again that was from trail county sheriff steve hunt i’m the old carlson reporting for


  1. Always carry, no matter what, even if it's just mace, but just get trained right with what ever you decide to defend yourself with. In CA, we don't have that freedom to carry anything. Even mace would drag you to court!

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