The Search for Explicit Books at ND Could Potentially Be an Expensive Endeavor

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota is considering legislation that could cost libraries millions of dollars.
in North Dakota lawmakers advance two bills Wednesday related to the material children can access in libraries what would it cost to remove or relocate books with explicit sexual material the State Library estimates it’ll cost about 3.6 million dollars over the next two years to review its collection and estimates it could cost about seven million dollars for the average Library across the state the children’s section of public libraries is a colorful Place House Bill 1205 Advanced by the state senate this week would remove or relocate explicit sexual material from public libraries children’s collections is that book Banning and censorship according to the opposition of this legislation yes it is and Senator said Senator Baum lawmakers opposed to what they see a censorship such say such bills lead the state down a slippery slope to our schools and libraries have usual blatant adult pornography in them no of course not said Senator Keith Baum republican from Mandan rather the concerns are with books specifically made for minors the center approved House Bill 1205 by a vote of 39-7 it’s one of the two bills aimed at the subject the other is Senate Bill 2360 which would make it illegal to display explicit sexual material at newsstands or any other business establishment frequented by minors or where minors are or may be invited as part of the general public that bill received a due pass recommendation in committee this week


  1. This could be the death of small town libraries. They do not need more expenses. Leave it up to the librarians. Get the State out of libraries. Use some common sense, censurers. And call in Musk.. lol

  2. What a waste of $$…in the land of the free. Sexually explicit is all over the internet=those who seek it will find it. How does this help the average family? The schools are not a baby sitter….perhaps parents should govern their reading materials…..the whole two that read anything longer than a meme.

  3. 1:07 Bill 2360 makes it illegal to display explicit materials? Is this one of those Rogue ministers who would go into walmart and turn the cosmopolitan Magazine around, has got himself elected to pass laws?

    Is Michael angelo's david next? You all going to make him put some clothes or to overt the eyes of youth next? But not a peep about gun regulations to protect kids in schools from the #1 killer of children, your worry about nonexistent porn in the library = got it!

  4. So North Dakota must be happy to see Trump Indicted on charges for the case against Trump, brought by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, is centered on a $130,000 payment to an adult film actress, Stormy Daniels! Start with that, the porn star & Donald J. TRUMP!

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