The Hottest Year Ever Recorded

EARTH ( A new report from Climate Central says it’s been the hottest year on Earth in recorded history.
a new report from climate Central says this will go down as the hottest year in recorded history on planet Earth the analysis looks at daily average temperatures and heat waves and includes data from 175 countries 154 States and provinces and 920 major cities with an average warming of more than 2.5 degrees fah the past 12 months that was the hottest on record El Nino is just beginning to boost temperatures but based on historical patterns most of the effect will be felt next year rapidly reducing carbon pollution every year is required to Halt the warming Trend over the entire year-long period 90% of people 7.3 billion experienced at least 10 days of temperatures very strongly affected by climate change and 73% 5.8 billion people experienced More Than A month’s worth of these temperatures I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


  1. Where? Seriously, where? ND hasn't had crazy temps. California had one of their cooler summers, New England had a miserable cold summer. Soo where is all the record high heat? Africa, Iran? Can anyone actually report please, to convince me, because I simply don't see it, and definitely didn't feel it.

  2. "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.". 2nd Peter 3:10

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