The Extended Tale of an Accused Shoplifter

FARGO, ND ( We give you more of the story behind the scenes of a simple crime.
sometimes there’s a lot more to what seems like a simple story take the case of suspect Anthony J Buck of Fargo Reading from the incident report on the criminal complaint uh Fargo officers were dispatched to Kohl’s on March 19th at 11 43 a.m the officers States He located the male suspect who was actively trying to conceal shoes while walking into changing rooms he was detained and brought to the office he was placed under arrest and the officer recovered a pair of red and black Nike brand shoes from the mail he also admitted he had some underwear in his pocket that belonged to Kohl’s those were recovered as well the officer noticed the mail was holding a stack of small magnets in his hand based on the officer’s training he knows that people use magnets to disable anti-theft devices the officer recited Moran added to the mail and he unders and he indicated he understood he identified himself by name as Anthony Buck the officer later conferred confirmed this by viewing his past booking photos Buck stated he was down in his luck and was stealing the shoes so he could sell them the total dollar value of the shoes and underwear was 117.50 Buck was arrested for many outstanding warrants and for removing theft detection devices while searching Buck for the arrest some GMC keys and a key fob were located in his pocket Buck was adamant that he had been dropped off and didn’t have a vehicle in the parking lot the officer pressed some buttons on the fob and heard the car alarm go off the officer located a vehicle that was making the noise and ran the license plate it came back stolen out of Moorhead the officer let Buck know the vehicle was stolen he acts surprised and stated a female had let him use it the officer asked him to retrieve his dog from the car and his methadone medication then he asked him to call a woman and have her come get the dog the officer called the a female and she sent a family member to the scene Who took possession of the dog an officer then searched the vehicle and located several pipes with suspected meth residue on them the officer asked Buck who’s uh the pipes belong to and he stated they weren’t his he admitted he smokes meth and Fentanyl and claims he uh last used drugs this morning around 3 A.M he claimed he uses aluminum foil to smoke however Buck was taken to Essentia Hospital because he stated he felt sick because he had not received his daily methadone dose the officer transported him to Essentia where he was cleared and then taken to the Cass County Jail the vehicle was left at the scene at the request of the owner again that vehicle had been stolen out of Moorhead Anthony Buck has now been charged of theft of property felony charge for the stolen vehicle and misdemeanor unlawful possession of a theft detection device or deactivator I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. This man will one day lead our Nation to Greatness…. While incarcerated he will pass the time writing….he will write a Manifesto…it will be forgotten for a time ..until it is discovered and read by a 15 year old boy from Casper Wyoming… that boy will be our 52 President…. who will lead us through a Limited Nuclear War with China…we will survive….We owe it all to Anthony.

  2. Come on over to Minneapolis they'll give ya a hot meal and a bed for the night and let ya out the next morning with no bail required to do it all again. You can even ride the light rail for free for better networking for other peeps doing the same stuff.

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