Thanksgiving Tragedy: COVID Claims Lives of 3 Family Members

BISMARCK, ND ( The number of COVID cases in North Dakota continue to skyrocket. North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum had Doctors today, lobby for mask wearing and social distancing.
another with skyrocketing covid numbers in the state north dakota governor doug burgum today brought in doctors to lobby for everyone to wear mass and use social distancing but we are in record territory for the wrong reasons we’ve reported over 25 000 new positive cases so far this month in november that’s more than the record we set in the month of october of 22 810 and we still have 10 days left in november this incredible increase in cases is pushing pressure on our hospitalization we know that cases drive hospitalizations during these big gatherings thanksgiving we need to be smart we need to be thoughtful we need to not have the huge gatherings where all of us can get infected i have a 99 year old patient in the nursing home who did very well and i’ve seen young healthy people without any comorbid conditions be devastated or even killed from the disease in our hospital in the last two weeks we’ve had three members from the same family that have passed away from coven something to think about as we all move closer to our thanksgiving holiday i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye news dot tv sports because of

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