Teen Romance Turns Deadly: Moorhead Man Confesses to Stabbing Ex-Girlfriend 13 Times

Teen Romance Turns Deadly: Moorhead Man Confesses to Stabbing Ex-Girlfriend 13 Times
Teen Romance Turns Deadly: Moorhead Man Confesses to Stabbing Ex-Girlfriend 13 Times

MOORHEAD, MN (trfnews.i234.me) – In a shocking confession, 18-year-old Isaac Arndt admitted to police that he brutally stabbed 14-year-old Jaelynn Nicole Walker 13 times in a fatal altercation in Moorhead, Minnesota. Charged with second-degree murder, Arndt reported to the Clay County Law Enforcement Center late Monday night, initially claiming he and Walker were attacked by an unknown man at Gooseberry Park. However, under questioning, Arndt revealed that he and Walker had recently ended a romantic relationship and that a dispute escalated into violence.

Arndt described how, after Walker began hitting and kicking him, he pulled out a knife and slashed at her repeatedly, ultimately cutting her throat. After giving her a final stab in the back, Arndt dragged her body to the river before fleeing the scene. He later returned to his Fargo apartment, where he cleaned up and hid his bloodstained clothing.

Surveillance footage and evidence from Walker’s phone corroborated parts of Arndt’s story, showing the two on a motorized scooter and highlighting a prearranged meeting at the park. If convicted, Arndt faces up to 40 years in prison. Authorities are still searching for Walker’s cell phone, believed to be discarded in Fargo.

I’m Alex Stone reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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