Federal Appeals Court Supports Mayo Clinic Employees’ Vaccine Refusal

ROCHESTER, MN (trfnews.i234.me) – Five Mayo Clinic employees who resisted COVID-19 vaccinations have received backing from a Federal Appeals Court. The 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a previous dismissal of their lawsuit, stating that the religious freedom aspects warrant deeper scrutiny. Mayo Clinic’s termination of hundreds of employees in 2021 due to vaccine… Continue reading Federal Appeals Court Supports Mayo Clinic Employees’ Vaccine Refusal

Vaccination Requirement Implemented for All Employees in Traill County, North Dakota

HILLSBORO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Traill County Commissioners issued a mandate today that all county employees have to get the COVI vaccinations or wear a mask and get a COVID test every week. a new covid vaccination mandate goes into effect on monday for all 85 trail county employees this morning commissioners in hillsboro passed a motion… Continue reading Vaccination Requirement Implemented for All Employees in Traill County, North Dakota