Retrospective: 40 Years After the Gordon Kahl Shootout in Medina

MEDINA, ND ( Thirty-seven years after the Gordon Kahl shootout in Medina, North Dakota that left 2 U.S. Marshals dead, Scott Faul, who was sentenced to life in prison for his part in the murders has filed for a release from prison. a plea to be released from a federal prison in sandstone minnesota this… Continue reading Retrospective: 40 Years After the Gordon Kahl Shootout in Medina

25th Anniversary Retrospective: Grand Forks/EGF Flood-Fire of 1997 Rewind

GRAND FORKS, ND-EAST GRAND FORKS, MN ( This week marks the 23rd anniversary of the flood of 1997. The flood disaster and fire prompted one of the largest mass evacuations in American history. Today, 25 years later, the people who live here have proven it’s one of the best places in America to live. *… Continue reading 25th Anniversary Retrospective: Grand Forks/EGF Flood-Fire of 1997 Rewind