North Dakota Legislature Weighs Potential Culture Conflict Over Guns in Schools

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota legislators are considering culture was issues and guns in school. lawmakers voted to advance a bill related to controversial issues like critical race Theory Senate Bill 2247 would make it illegal to penalize a student for refusing to believe divisive Concepts this includes ideas like the state or the United… Continue reading North Dakota Legislature Weighs Potential Culture Conflict Over Guns in Schools

ND House Votes to Repeal Sunday Closing Law, Debating a Range of Topics from God to Ghostbusters

BISMARCK, ND ( Citing everything from God to Ghostbusters in a debate today, the North Dakota House of Representatives has voted to repeal the Sunday Closing Law. You can watch the debate here. he moved to the top of today’s order all in favor say aye hos nay motion carries hospital 11 1097 has has… Continue reading ND House Votes to Repeal Sunday Closing Law, Debating a Range of Topics from God to Ghostbusters