Eldon Loud Arrested in Beltrami County for Child Neglect

Eldon Loud

Beltrami County, MN (trfnews.i234.me)—On January 16, 2025, Eldon Travis Loud, a 37-year-old male, was taken into custody in Beltrami County, Minnesota. He faces charges under Minnesota Statute 609.378.1(a)(1) for neglect of a child likely to cause substantial harm to physical or emotional health. Statutory Details Minnesota Statute 609.378.1(a)(1) defines child neglect as when a parent,… Continue reading Eldon Loud Arrested in Beltrami County for Child Neglect

UPDATE: Was the Loud Boom in Bemidji, Minnesota a Meteor Strike?

UPDATE: Was Large Boom In Bemidji, Minnesota A Meteor Strike? BELTRAMI COUNTY, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We have an update from the Beltrami County Emergency Management Office. They’ve now released video of a large boom heard in Bemidji, Minnesota on this Monday evening.

Fargo Car Case: Singing Excessively Loud

WEST FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A West Fargo, North Dakota man is facing a felony charge, after another person in the car was apparently singting too loud, so he allegedly held a knife to his neck.

THE LOUD AMERICANS: 2007 TRF News, Discovery Channel Pilot from Zihuatanejo, Mexico Featuring a Local Girlfriend

THE LOUD AMERICANS: 2007 TRF News, Discovery Channel Pilot From Zihautanejo, Mexico with GF Native ZIHUATANEJO, MEXICO (trfnews.i234.me) This is a pilot show I shot for the Discovery Channel back in 2007. In part, it features Grand Forks, North Dakota native, Ernie Mrachek. The show never went anywhere. I was offered a deal to produce… Continue reading THE LOUD AMERICANS: 2007 TRF News, Discovery Channel Pilot from Zihuatanejo, Mexico Featuring a Local Girlfriend