Suspected Dognapper in Fosston, Minnesota

FOSSTON, MN ( Dogs are going missing around Fosston, Minnesota. One victim who lost her dog says she believes it may be the work of a dognapper that’s using them for breeding.
Neil Berg here in foston minnesota where we have a possible dog napper on the loose we have dogs missing here in fosston and over in nearby bagley sarah winter lost her dog brutus on monday he was tied down in the yard at her mom’s place here in foston well at five o’clock my cousin went out to go and give him more water and while he was on the phone with my mom and the dog was gone all right what’s the dog’s name what kind is it um my dog’s name is brutus um he looks like a full breed golden retriever but he’s actually lab um slash husky and um sheba in you and that’s where we get to the rest of this maybe some dog napping is going on you found others around the area yes um we had discovered that there had been some other golden retriever nappings around the area including a couple in bagley um a german shepherd he went missing yesterday um i it’s just crazy that you know brutus did look like a golden retriever and other golden retrievers had gone missing how many here in foster um at least three okay and what and a couple in bagley and a couple in baglia and they’re all those were all golden retrievers yep so what do you think’s going on i have no idea it’s just it’s really heartbreaking that when you have like a really close fur baby to your heart and stuff you just can’t replace that yeah okay my only guess is that you know um somebody trying to make a quick dollar you know during this you know pandemic and thinking that maybe breeding is the best way and they’re going to have a really rude awakening when they try and breed brutus because they’re going to end up with some really funky looking plops they’re going to either be white or brown or so if you talk with the sheriff’s department or police my boyfriend reported it to the cops and everything the same day that he went missing um we searched around the town for over two to three hours trying to find him the cops told me anything nothing nothing we’ve posted it all over facebook i mean his we know we feel like he has been taken because normally when he would break off of his um tie down um usually there would be a break in the tie down there’d be some kind of indication but the tie-down was all intact so he still has his collar on him it’s a black collar and it’s like somebody just walked up into the yard and unleashed them or just picked them up now we’ve reached out to the polk county sheriff’s department here in fosston if we get any more information on this we’ll update this story or if you have any information call law enforcement i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye news dot tv


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