CLAY COUNTY, MN ( The suspect in a 110 mph pursuit in Clay County, Minnesota told officers she simply didn’t see them. She needed to make phone calls to Jesus Christ. Kathryn Duray also had a child in the car.
Suspect in Pursuit Claims She Had to Reach Out to Jesus Christ

Any woman from St Francis has a high chance of being bat-shytt crazy. Be careful out there

she should have given the cops the number to Jesus Christ to confirm her emergency. God Bless everyone!!
She should have just let Jesus take the wheel.
Man I hope that Jesus was able to take her call…
Pretty wise to call on Jesus actually.
I call Jesus Christ a lot when I get a speeding ticket too.
hey, if she has Jesus' ph. #, I'd like to see her phone too.
All methed up !!
Probably the car wasn't the only speeding going on.
You think that's funny Neil! If an islamists mentioned something about Allah you wouldn't say a dam thing about that cuz that islamist has protected rights unlike Christian's and Jews , you'd be sitting in jail for a hate crime speaking about an islamists or the islamists would have your head on a platter, you racist, fundementalist biggot!
Do you just hate Christian's and Jews only? Sound's like your a fundementalist who promotes violence! This is the only time I've ever heard you make fun of someone's faith, I'd like to see you go into Gaza flapping your big lips about the their faith or your stance on the LGBTQ+A blah blah blah! You wouldn't make it through the day! They would throw you off the nearest bldg in a minute. But Christian's are supposed to love their neighbors and forgive them unlike you and your Islamic fundementalist friend's and the LGBTQA+ COMMUNITY that spew out hate and violence !
Or say something about the native faith practices!
Methamphetamine is a hell of a drug
About 80% of women who don't do drugs are in psychosis. LoL. 180% of women that do methamphetamine are in psychosis.
Some people really shouldn't be making babies man smh
Jesus Christ!!!