Survey: A significant number of individuals are facing mental health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.

BISMARCK, ND ( A new survey shows many North Dakotans are struggling with mental health issues during our Coronavirus crisis.
next up is behavioral health update in North Dakota Department of Commerce in conjunction with many other state agencies issued a statewide survey to understand how the corona virus pandemic has impacted communities and individuals the information gleaned from these 11300 responses will help inform many state agencies and partner organizations North Dakota’s effort during this time survey respondents reported a number of concerning trends since March when theme top concerning situation was identified as increased mental health struggles 68% of the people reporting a percent reporting this concern over half the respondents a report that high rates of social distancing are impacting mental health and those in their household and others in the community so behavioral health again continues to be a key focus that as we move forward the Department of Human Services behavioral health division has compiled a list of behavioral behavioral health resources on their website they’ve also expanded access to telehealth services so again if you need to talk to a counselor if you’re just feeling anxious if you’ve got concerns there are multiple different hotlines staffed and available 7 by 24 hours a day and you can find out information about all of those on the nd gov slash DHS website and then also there is more information available what we’re offering through our our service center locations around the state so again thank you for keeping track of your own and your other family members and friends behavioral health take it seriously and help guide people care enough to help guide people to get connected with health it’s one way to show that you care

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