Surge of Bee Stings in Northwestern Minnesota

NORTHWEST MINNESOTA ( We had a wave of emergency calls for bad reactions to bee stings in northwest Minnesota Thursay evening.
in the inset here is a youtube stunt gone wrong where a guy tries to make a bee beard well in real life there has been a wave of bee stings in northwest minnesota i captured at least three of them yesterday i’m not sure if it’s the weather or what the locations have been deleted from these calls since they’re medical uh here they are for a female who’s safe she has been stung by these approximately 30 times or more she does have a previous reaction there’s an adult male who’s having a reaction to a bee sting female got stung by a bee administered epiphany requesting medical so as you heard three different emergency calls for reactions to bee stings on thursday evening in northwest minnesota i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Bees are horrible in my yard and veggie garden this year. Mostly ground Hornets and Bald Face Hornets. There is a 1,000% increase in the number of Bees I have seen this year over the previous 10 years. Very Odd indeed!!!!

  2. Coyote Peterson has done things like this tons of times, it is unfortunate this happened but they always have episodes pens on hand and some medical knowledge to get to a hospital or call if needed

  3. I looked up info on yellow jackets recently, & it said to avoid hitting at or crushing them, as that releases a pheromone which causes other wasps to attack & swarm. They can also sting multiple times unlike bees.

  4. Do not scream, do not go insanely crazy moving your arms. IF you are allergic to their sting you probably have an EpiPen. Otherwise do not demonize them. Put a small plate with stones and water in it and stay away from that area. Everything I mentioned I did it myself and no harm was done

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