Sunday Update: Disturbing Theories Emerge as Search for Greywind Continues

FARGO, ND ( UPDATED: The search for Savanna Greywind a Fargo woman who has now been missing for more than a week continued Sunday morning. There are now also disturbing theories of why she disappeared. As of 4 pm Sunday around 150 people were searching, concentrating on wooded areas north of Fargo. Christina Becker says they plan to search again on Monday.
everyone Neil Berg here in trollwood park at about eight o’clock on this Sunday morning where another search for Savannah gray wind is being organized 22 year old Savannah greywind who was eight months pregnant went missing just over a week ago from her Fargo apartment after visiting another couple in her building William Hine and Brooks crew on Thursday a two-day-old baby believed to be gray winds was found in the building and is now in the care of social services coins and crew are being held in the Cass County Jail on a conspiracy to commit kidnapping charge which has spurred all kinds of disturbing theories including possible fetal robbery which could include inducing are cutting the baby from gray wind at this point friends and family are still trying to find her what’s happening today is this police organizing the search when you guys are kind of here where it’s the family and friends of the Ravens and la Fontaine’s it’s a continuation of the search that was started Friday and Saturday okay how do you know where to go or where we go we have a map that we’ve been using a very large city map I’m unsure of where it came from I was kind of jumped into this yesterday but on the map we highlight areas that we want people to search that we send people out to search and when they come back with their reports we put a black X through it if there’s nothing found or nothing remotely ok disturbing was this map kind of established with the some tips that came in or just trying to logically it’s it’s literally just a city map a city of Fargo map that doesn’t include anything else and we’re just going section by section by section what’s going on the law enforcement side is uh I’m here as a liaison to the search group just offering assistance where needed from the Fargo Police Department Fargo police have already done some extensive searching yeah the Fargo Police Department still have an ongoing investigation into this case and they’re still working diligently trying to figure out what happened to miss gray one but for this morning there’s a large search group of private citizens are going out here to offer assistance give them some knowledge on what they can and can’t do and they’re actually very organizing and doing a good job here so for now the search for Savannah greywind continues as does the search for answers in this disturbing case in Fargo I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV

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