SUNDAY UPDATE: Continued Search For Eric Reinbold, Suspect in NW Minnesota Murder Case

OKLEE, MN ( The search for rural Oklee, Minnesota murder suspect, Eric Reinbold continues. At this point, not a lot of new information in the case.
here’s a sunday update on the uh search for murder suspect eric reinbold who’s now been on the run for over two weeks uh named as a suspect in the murder of his wife leset as we told you last tuesday there was a a major search at uh near uh his parents farm northeast of oakley dogs were brought in and other things it’s an area they’ve searched uh several times but as of this sunday afternoon not a lot of new information just texted with uh red lake county sheriff mitch bernstein who says basically uh they’re continuing to follow up on tips and searching different areas uh around the region but nothing new to report now i also stopped up at the reinbold residence the murder scene this weekend and talked with a neighbor who tells me uh there has not been any law enforcement around that murder scene for over a week now so uh where this investigation stands now we’ve still got uh eric reinbold on the run and no one apparently knows where he is if you have any information you’re asked to contact the pennington county sheriff’s department at 218-681-6161 or you can call us marshals at 1877 wanted i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. If any residents left their homes for safety reasons they need to inform the police so a search if their temporary abandoned property can be searched!!! How many times do I need to say this???

  2. Pamela F I grew up close to that area in the 50s and it is as lawless now as it was then,
    Why has this not made national news? I live in NM and I guarantee that if a Blonde
    Scandinavian female were abducted by a Hispanic male the story would have
    gone rogue. The area is closed to outsiders, many people are related to each other
    and they protect their own. Huge need for public awareness regarding Domestic Violence
    and providing resources.

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