RED RIVER VALLEY ( Drive with caution! The annual sugar beet harvest is underway up and down the Valley with hundreds of extra trucks on the road day and night.
Sugar Beet Harvest in Progress – Drive with Caution in Valley

RED RIVER VALLEY ( Drive with caution! The annual sugar beet harvest is underway up and down the Valley with hundreds of extra trucks on the road day and night.
Heat shut down right now. They might start up again Saturday night.
I had a friend who's family was killed in one of them accidents; thanks for remembering them and getting that word of caution out, Neil.
Best advice is to stay away from them(beettrucks)especially when loaded they are most likely overloaded and driven hard by sometimes ? untrained drivers since you can operate one with a car license or even under 18 age teens driving Grain trucks as long as your working for a Farmer it’s all legal