1. In the old days we'd make fun of everyone including ourselves.. you just didn't tell your parents or anyone outside of the "circle".. so, if you don't post it, it is just what it is — a good laugh and usually forgotten in a day or two. I think this is taken way out of context and people assume it means something THEY THINK it does..

  2. This WHOLE THING was very badly mistaken. I was the one who posted the videos on Instagram, but this was taken way out of context. I posted these 2 videos along with pictures of good friends which was supposed to be meant as a thank you and an appreciation post to those who made my whole 9th grade year better. Nothing was meant to be racist or disrespectful towards the indigenous people at all, it was just kids being kids and having fun. The fact that all of us are getting disciplined because of it is upsetting being that this was an event outside of school where school wasn’t in session at the time and it was a Friday night and Saturday morning at the time. I get it, I should’ve thought hard before posting this being that people get offended so easily this day in age but there should be no excuse that I’m getting daily DEATH THREATS because I posted the videos on social media. I was walking in the crowd of people who were dancing while I was just walking and having a good time.

  3. Can't expect much else coming from that area. A lot of future mass shooters in training in that video. Gross. The parents probably no different, racism is learned behavior, usually at their dinner table.

  4. that's just stupid social media getting kids in trouble lol kinda sounds like a Nazi camp instead of school. I guess it is a democratic state good ol Minnesota where if you hurt someones feelings they throw the book at you. stupid stupid stupid they need to ban Democrats

  5. It sure sounds like this school has a pretty serious problem of ignorance and disrespect among the student body!
    Actions that mock or exhibit hate are no laughing matter! " Kids will be kids"?! No, Kids will be adults and then what excuse will there be for racism?

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