Street Preacher at UND Persistently Spreads His Message of ‘Hell Awaits’

Hell Awaits, Street Preacher At UND Continues His Message

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A street preacher continued his message at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks today. He got less than a positive reaction from some students.


  1. We are all hell deserving sinners in desperate need of a saviour. We must all renounce are sinful ways and believe alone in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour before it's everlasting too late.

  2. God bless street preachers, they will be blessed for making themselves look like fools for God. Jesus said it perfectly in Luke 6:26 “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.”

    Repent and believe in the gospel, Jesus is coming back and soon like a thief in the night. If you aren’t covered by His blood by the time He comes back, you will face His wrath and perish. Get right with God today, tomorrow isn’t guaranteed

  3. To drink something, you consume a liquid. Being "drunk" is from drinking alcohol. Hemp is not a drug, it is the sacred herb. We got endocannabinoid natrually in our bodies and CBD oil helps our bodies heal. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the natural compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant, otherwise known as marijuana or hemp. It does not have psychoactive properties; therefore, it does not create the “high” associated with the use of marijuana that contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

  4. Should check out Rebecca Anne 1965s vids about Daniel con Lee.
    He viscously defamed Christian brothers and they sued and were awarded 4.7 million $$$$. Biggest nutcase around going back to 1999 in Eugene Oregon and then Portland State “preacher Dan”claiming he was one of the 2 witnesses of the book of revelation. Ran around in the Hebrew roots nutcases in the PNW.
    His first wife left with the 6 children and the kids got an injunction and he is literally banned for life from seeing them. Since then been married 7 other times. Hillbilly Hebrew….

  5. You don't need a permit to preach. It's your first amendment right.its a public college not a private college.a public college takes taxpayers dollars.a permit arbitrary.

  6. Daniel Lee has expressed his views regarding women where he has said women are property. That a husband owns his wife. He has had 8 wives so far. One was with a license, the rest was with his own written ketubah. He is single currently, allegedly. There are lots of yt vids about this guy.

  7. Of course this is a lost world who calls evil good and good evil . Of course getting high is against GOD's will .. that's like saying what does the Bible say bout Meth ? I mean repent be sorry for your sins and God is so loving and forgiving..This is hard to call people out of their darkness that's why they swear and get upset .. Thier darkness +(sins) don't like the light of Christ which is Truth 💯

  8. I think the problem with people is they have inflated views of their own intellect and sophistication. So, they ridicule others for their beliefs.

    Odd so many tribes of people over the entire world have independently formed some worship and thanks to their superior being … this is true from the tribes of Israel to Native cultures in the Americas.

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