St. Thomas, North Dakota Hit with 9.5 Inches of Rain

ST. THOMAS, ND ( St. Thomas, North Dakota has been blasted with 9.5-inches of rain since last night.
to tell folks how much rain you got up there well it’s pretty widespread for a little bit of an area from St Thomas North I live North St Thomas one mile and it’s nine and a half inches there had two and a half last night and then the rest came overnight um from 10 o’clock on and then uh in my focus Farm here south of St Thomas 9.6 so and I know wow probably probably on 66 from 81 to heading towards Drayton that area is about 9.3 there so a lot of rain is there water over most fields uh yeah quite a bit especially around St Thomas area that West of Saint Thomas we’re on the edge and I think you go a little bit further west to Saint Thomas about five and a half a couple miles west is that enough to hurt crops or will it drain off fast enough to hopefully everything’s all right well the wheat won’t take very much sugar beets boy it’s going to take a while to drain it off because the illegal drains are full so it’s going to take a while okay all right oh sorry uh did you see in any flooding in the in town or your farm homes having trouble with water yeah the water is uh I got two sump pumps going my house to keep up and uh there’s water on the street in St Thomas so all right okay well good luck thanks for sending us some uh photos take care up there yeah yeah thank you


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