Special Response Team Mobilized for High-Risk Arrest in Northern Minnesota

WILLIAMS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A Special Response Team was called in to make a dangerous Northern Minnesota arrest on Christmas Eve.
the Borderland Special Response Team was called out for a dangerous arrest in rural Williams Minnesota on Christmas Eve 33-year-old Daniel W Baron of Williams is facing charges according to court documents he’ violated a protection order Sheriff fish reported the female victim safely left the property and baron who remained on the property was possibly armed and had outstanding warrants it was decided the Special Response Team should be brought in because of Baron’s earlier comment that he was not going down without a fight initially as they called for Baron to come out of the cabin he said he wasn’t going to leave the cabin alive Baron eventually exited the uh residence with hands in the air and was cuffed and spit in the eye of one officer he’s now been charged with a pair of felonies a violation of an order for protection and assault of Peace officer I’m Neil Berg reporting for I trfnews.i234.me


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