1. She’s definitely bold, they are not someone to F with: especially with their mentality towards women. That could’ve gone very bad. It’s gotten to where it’s offensive to say Merry Christmas, now more communities are doing this “call to prayer”. We are losing our American culture. We should not have to suppress out culture to tolerate them. Because 100%, we would not get the same consideration in their countries. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.

  2. [Amendment of ARTICLE ONE]

    CONGRESS shall make no LAW respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of RELIGION…

    (the Constitution of THE USA)

    (key-words: Congress, law, establishment, religion)

    I think it is time to make this Amendment more picturesque ? :->

    [Further Amendment of ARTICLE ONE]

    CONGRESS shall make no LAW respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of RELIGION –

    except of its own as it shall be ESTABLISHED by LAW made by CONGRESS….

    (the Constitution of THE USA)

    (key-words: Congress, law, establishment, religion)

    Muslims should say to OneLaw/ReligionForAll dictators "Your LAW/RELIGION for you, my LAW/RELIGION for me"

    to allow adhan call from loudspeakers is just to save this OneLaw/ReligionForAll tyranny.

  3. acting like its being broadcast over the whole city like wtf 💀 theyre just doing their own thing. I feel like this could only be reported if numerous people have put out noise complaints and law enforcement was made to get involved, but no yall are just reporting that they play their religious music on big speakers. community nearby can just ask that they play it inside a building or something. no need to report it on the news. its not some huge story. freedom of religion!!

  4. First Amendment
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    It's a beautiful thing to see in America where it's people are entitled to freedom of Religion.

  5. Good! This country is of all religions. Just because ppl are scared of something different doesn’t make it wrong. They ain’t forcing it like the clears throat church forced, murdered, kidnapped, and most likely some where molested in their boarding schools. My grandparents RIP were forced to go to one, luckily they survived which can’t be said for most

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