Slow Bicycle Chase in Bemidji, Minnesota

BEMIDJI, MN ( We had a low speed bicycle pursuit in Bemidji, Minnesota on Tuesday.
we had a low speed a bicycle pursuit in bemidji on tuesday uh facebook video here from latalia pemberton this is over on the west side of bemidji you see a uh looks like sheriff’s vehicle here chasing a bicyclist exactly what he was being pulled over for uh no details yet we’ll get those later today but back and forth along highway 2 entering the west side of bemidji on tuesday afternoon bicycle rider apparently doesn’t have any intentions of stopping uh it’s uh suspected it didn’t turn out too well for him though we’ll to get more details later today and possible charges in this following a low speed pursuit of a bicycle rider in bemidji on tuesday i’m neil carlson reporting for inews dot tv


  1. Probably from shoplifting somewhere. Back packers are notorious for lifting items in stores….☹️ not everyone does this who has a backpack. But the ones who do make it difficult for all…..

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