Major Magic Mushroom Bust
HAWLEY, MN ( The Clay County Sheriff’s Department has made a fairly significant Magic Mushroom bust.
Significant Seizure of Magic Mushrooms

Major Magic Mushroom Bust
HAWLEY, MN ( The Clay County Sheriff’s Department has made a fairly significant Magic Mushroom bust.
Mushrooms are not narcotics so the narcotics division should not have Jack squat to do with this. Mushrooms are not drugs.
Mushrooms are not narcotics so the narcotics division should not have Jack squat to do with this. Mushrooms are not drugs.
Cops are stupid
How pathetic that law enforcement go after magic mushrooms. Every single officer involved should be named and shamed. Disgusting.
Boo clay county
Yea forget about the mob or the government crooks.
These traffickers are trying real hard to take over Minnesota and ND and SD. They are trying to get out kids involved in their drugs and trafficking if drugs and human trafficking of women and children and to get them involved in their wickedness. We need to STAND UP AGAINST THIS WICKEDNESS!!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!
All these are medicine free them both they should be awarded for trying to help people not jailed cuz the government didn't get there fucking taxes from it
The cash didn't do anything wrong
I love how many bots are spamming this article trying to sell psychedelics.
at least it isnt meth or fentanyl!
Leaf mariquna
Dang wished they would not have found them need reset
B.s…. who snitched? These are medicines not drugs…
This country is not a free country at all
I thought most of that was legal. Hmmm I need to get woke!!
is magic mushrooms the new villain of the week for small town cops? gonna have to stop going after weed soon, might as well find the next drug to prosecute
Waist of taxes money
I love mushrooms so much, this is sad
Mushroom Chocolate Bars? How? How is it that some states get to have Mushroom Chocolate bars, damn Minnesota is so far behind.
How come these asshats can't find any of the big fish?
Dammit! Free the fungi! Have a lot more sanity!
So much for my microdosing mental health plan. Better move to Canada where the Nazi's at least care.
They should worry about the Drugs that could actually harm people.