A Question Of Signage In Crookston, Minnesota
CROOKSTON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Crookston’s Chief of Police says he’s been receiving complaints about a resident’s signs and flags supporting Trump and gun rights in his yard. At this point, the issue is still being discussed.
Signage Issues in Crookston, Minnesota

Ignorance , like painting his house Flat Black and flying NAZI flags .
This has made this family move away, which is a real shame on those that have nothing better to do than to complain about anything. And they are very sad people.
Crookston Chief of Police, Nothing to check in to. Covered by 1st amendment.
Let It Be
And today on the news a homeowner is flying flags on private property, back to you Michelle
Leave the guy alone , dont you all have better things to do? Geesh!
Private property, first amendment protected!
With them flags up.your property values go up. And your respect. Put a biden flag up.and nobody would even notice. Nobody would care.we need trump back
More liberals that are butt hurt get over it and worry about something important like minding your own business.
Thanks to all the love y’all
Who cares! He lost! The less people talk about it, the less it will matter to the people displaying them for the attention everyone’s giving them! They probably paid to much for them also and getting use out of them! Ha
Totalitarian governments 1st thing to go is your Free speech which Coincides with your freedom of religion. Then the next thing to go is your guns because they don't want you protecting yourself. When they start telling you how to live your life
The world knows what happened..
Good for the home owner.
This is news? Someone is bored!
Keep flying it all
There is no question it’s freedom of speech end of discussion.
Don't like it, don't look. If it were BLM flags, would we be having this conversation?
Trump signs scream…I'm dumb and I helped Trump in his loss! The general public hated the big truck parades and over signage. That's why he lost by 8 million. Not because of how bad he was at his job.
Ahhhh… liberal tears.
I'm sure many have noticed this already but for those who haven't; we're now living in in the beginning of 1984. If you have certain thoughts you are wrong and need to be silenced. The slippery slope is near!
Hey Neil I'm going to do some investigating myself ! Stay tuned for breaking developments!
i see nothing wrong with it.. i have 2 flags on my roof & they'll be staying there..