Shooting Star Casino in Mahnomen Prepares 1,000 Meals Daily Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

MAHNOMEN, MN ( The Shooting Star Casino in Mahnomen is preparing 1,000 meals a day for delivery around the White Earth Nation.
listen from the shooting Star Casino in Mahnomen in a news release quote in a joint effort by tribal leadership in the shooting Star Casino the White Earth emergency management team has mobilized to fight the potential spread of kovat 19 and protect the health and wellness of the community shooting Star Casino temporarily closed its two locations in Mahnomen and Bagley on March 18th while closed the Mahnomen facility will continue to serve the community as the base of operations for the EMT part of this effort includes preparing and delivering meals for whitey white Earth elder nutrition program every weekday 1000 meals are prepared and distributed we must come together as a community to slow the impact of kovat 19 said Scott Stevens Stevens general manager of the shooting Star Casino in times like this we discover our true strengths we must help our neighbors and no one is alone for the safety of our communities especially elders all meals will be delivered to enp end recipients no meals are available for pickup from the shooting star or elder dining sites signup contract forms and other details are available on their website at white earth calm shooting Star Casino will remain closed until at least Wednesday April 1st conditions will be reevaluated before reopening and the closures may be extended if necessary shooting star team members are being compensated throughout the two-week closure together with our white earth tribal leadership we are carefully monitoring the developments and guidelines from state and federal resources said scott stevens general manager of the shooting star we’ll get through this together and we look forward to welcoming everyone back when it’s safe to resume operations again that’s from the shooting Star Casino in Mahnomen Minnesota I’m Neil Berg reporting for

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