Shocking! Paraprofessional at Lake of the Woods School in Baudette Charged with Sex Crimes Involving a Minor

Kraig and Jennifer Stokke
Kraig and Jennifer Stokke

Baudette, Minnesota – ( – A shocking revelation has emerged from Lake of the Woods Schools in Baudette as a paraprofessional working at the institution was charged with criminal sexual conduct involving a minor. The charges have been filed in Lake of the Woods County, Minnesota.

The alleged criminal conduct did not take place on school grounds or any school property. Moreover, the victim is not a student in their district. In response to these allegations, the superintendent of schools issued a statement: “We are disheartened by the allegations and denounce all criminal conduct victimizing children.” The employee has been placed on leave pending an investigation.

Original Report: Kraig and Jennifer Stokke, a couple from Williams, Minnesota, have each been charged with criminal sexual conduct involving a minor girl according to court documents. The incidents happened between the summer of 2019 through June 2nd of 2021 at the Lake of the Woods campground and the Stokke’s rural Williams home.

The female minor victim claims dozens of sex acts with both Kraig and Jennifer Stokke that started when she was 14 years old. At the time, Jennifer Stokke was listed as a paraprofessional at Lake of the Woods School, while earlier, Kraig Stokke was listed as working for the county.

Jennifer Stokke told an investigator that the relationship ended in 2023 when she dropped the victim off at a mental institution in Minnesota. Both Kraig and Jennifer Stokke have been charged with criminal sexual conduct in the third degree, which carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. They’ve both made their first court appearance and bailed out of jail.

Did you know? According to the superintendent of schools at Lake of the Woods Schools in Baudette: “A paraprofessional at our district has been charged with criminal sexual conduct crimes involving a minor.” The alleged victim is not a student at their district, and the employee has been placed on leave pending an investigation.

I’m Chris Harper, and I’m reporting for TRF News.

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