Sheriff of Griggs County, North Dakota, Considers Resigning due to Threats

COOPERSTOWN, ND ( The Griggs County, North Dakota Sheriff is threatening to resign over a lack of resources.
Neil Berg here with some breaking news out of Cooperstown North Dakota I just got out of a County Commission here meeting here uh Sheriff Amber Lee mcallis uh handed in a resignation letter uh saying she’s not getting enough resources but then the County Commission it sounds like tentatively put up thirty five thousand dollars of covid money to shift it over into the sheriff’s department so at this point it’s still up in the air whether they’re still going to have a sheriff tomorrow put it in your budget give you and your deputies a bit more money you sticking around or what [Music] oh Neil I gotta sleep on it all right I’ll sleep on it yep I don’t have an answer for that right now all right Sheriff mcallis says a continued lack of funding for the sheriff’s department is causing a dangerous situation here for Griggs County residents much more on all this later on Friday morning I’m Neil Berg reporting for

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