Sheriff Addresses Latest Murder Investigation

AITKIN COUNTY, MN ( Aitkin County Sheriff Dan Guida discusses the investigation into the murder of Michelle Mae.
unfortunately we had a homicide in Aiken County over believe we had a homicide right Oni that’s a that was big news we did a couple press releases on that and that’s a pending case so I can’t say a whole lot but the this the gentlemen had some conditions of probation that were violated and so during the course of this investigation we came in contact with him and he was arrested for those conditions of violation so yeah I was part of the search I was involved kind of from the gimmick beginning you know we have some sharp officers and when they found her car the missing persons car there was some suspicious things at the car and so that officer and I had a conversation and it was sergeant Aaron cook and he and I had a conversation about it and we made a decision to you know seal up the car and treat it like it was a crime scene and we did and then that started the ball rolling and we just proceeded from there so the charges that we’re waiting on we’re waiting for a toxicology report from the Ramsey County Medical Examiner’s Office our County Attorney’s Office has a bunch of the reports that they have all of them there’s probably 60 reports in this case an extreme amount of data the BCA assisted and you know that they had a lot of data they did we did search warrants on phones and you know lots of things like that so all that all that data goes up to the county attorney’s office then they make the decision on what to charge so a lot of that data from our office is already up where there’s a few little things we need to do just to dot the i’s and cross the t’s but for the most part it’s ready so when that toxicology gets back then they’ll they’ll prepare a complaint a formal complaint and at that time that’ll be a public data release for the formal complaint the people from Swatara were very interested in this they lots of calls lots of help lots of people came in and gave us information and discussed the case with us you know and everybody had a you know they might not had really good information but they all had good intent so there’s a lot of historical data there

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