Sexual Misconduct Charges in Ogema, MN

OGEMA, MN ( An Ogema, Minnesota man is facing a charge of Criminal Sexual Conduct, following an incident in that town this week.
21-year-old Kyle fud of ogam in Minnesota has been charged with third deegree criminal sexual conduct victim mentally impaired according to court documents on January 29th the female victim was at the oga liquor store waiting for a bus when she met F who purchased a bottle of Fireball for her she says they walked to the baseball field and fho was telling her to drink it faster that he didn’t buy it for nothing and she drank the entire bottle the victim remembers waking up near the baseball field with her pants in the weeds police found other items tied to the incident at the location in an interview with investigators first shoot stated he knew the victim from Facebook and admitted having sex with her I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


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