Sexual Assault Allegations in Breckenridge, Minnesota

BRECKENRIDGE, MN ( A Breckenridge, Minnesota man has been charged with 2 counts of 1st Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct.
a 49-year-old emry axel Hagen of Breen Ridge Minnesota has been charged with two felony counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct one with the use of force uh the second with the victim being mentally impaired or helpless according to court documents on March 15th at 2:30 a.m. officers were dispatched to the female victims apartment in Breen Ridge for an openline 911 medical call officers heard outside the door what sounded like a domestic and a female saying get off me get away stop uh Hagen told officers through the door they needed a warrant to open it they eventually entered police reported the victim was very intoxicated but told them she repeatedly told Hagen no but he allegedly uh forcibly had sex with her officers noted a black and blue mark on her rib cage Hagen admitted to having sex with the victim I’m Neil Berg reporting for I


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